11 May 2008


So, below is a picture of my Greatgrandma, and the reason for this? She was the ultimate Mom! Grandma! Greatgrandma! 

She passed when I was eight but some of my fondest memories as a child include her. She always loved us unconditionally. My point... with such great admiration and respect for her... my mom is exactly like her!

So no matter how bad I think things are going, she always sees the good. She tells me when she thinks I am wrong and then supports me in the decisions I make, even if it isn't what she would have done. And no matter what, she loves me and gives me hugs when I am down.

This last year when I accidently amputated one of my fingers, she took me to every one of my doctor appointments (even though she almost passed out in the office!!!). She took me to lunch and told me how everything would be okay. She hugged me when I was crying and made me laugh with all the hours that we spent in waiting rooms (and I mean many many hours!).

What I really am getting to... I am so lucky to have such a wonderful Mom! And most days I am really lucky that we work together! lol 

* When we joke about paper being in our genes, we are really serious. This picture is of my Greatgrandma c. 1960ish on strike at Zellerbach Paper Company (and my grandmother worked there too!)

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